We are lucky to live in an extraordinary world, full of life, diverse and complex and rich in every feather and hair, claw and fin. This site is a small attempt to take notice of the creatures that we share this place with, whether it is the coyote wandering down the alley, the mockingbird singing in the yard tree, or the grackle chasing crumbs in the parking lot.
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The website’s sketches seek to show the variety, beauty and vitality of nature that inspire the Texas Legacy, Texas Landscape and Texas Fauna projects, all programs of the Conservation History Association of Texas. The Legacy effort collected oral histories with veteran conservationists in the state, while the Landscape work compiled big data into environmental history maps. The Fauna program focuses on the role of animals in the state’s environmental history.
Drawings were made by David Todd.
The Texas Notebook Project by David Todd, Conservation History Association of Texas is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.